Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions:
The United Methodist Church shares a common heritage of basic affirmations with all Christian communities. The hallmarks of the United Methodist theological traditions are rooted in John Wesley, emphasizing Christian living, and putting faith and love in action.
The components of the worship service are: A Pastoral Welcome, Music (a blending of music -traditional hymns and praise songs- accompanied by piano and organ), Prayers of various forms, a Sermon, and a time to celebrate God’s faithfulness to the congregation, individually and corporately, through giving back to God our First Fruits (financially giving to God first), and to celebrate how the congregation is being used by God, individually and corporately to be in Mission with others.
The first Sunday of each month features the Service of Holy Communion. The United Methodist Church practices “open communion” . This means you do not need to be a member of Evangel Heights in order to participate. Other special services take place throughout the year.
You can enter through the North door (by the playground). There are no steps which allows for full access to all the classrooms, Church office and Fellowship Hall.
You can also enter through the Main Entrance at the center back of the church. It has a ramp. The Main Entrance is the closest entrance to the Sanctuary worship area.
There is not a special entry for kids.
Access to the Sanctuary is by chair lift attended by one of our staff or volunteers. The Sanctuary is equipped with the Loop hearing system. (If your hearing aids are pre-set, please adjust them to receive the T-coil signal.) If not, a limited number of headsets are available at the sound booth. Please indicate your need to one of the ushers or greeters.
Questions Regarding Family During Service:
Your children may remain with you when you arrive. They may also remain with you during the worship service.
We currently do not have a special/alternative service for children at this time.