Church Ministries
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Sunday School
Youth (Teens)
Junior High (Confirmation) / 7th & 8th Grade
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- United Methodists use the term "confirmation" to mark the first time a baptized Christian publicly "confirms" their intention to live the vows of a baptismal and membership covenant and so becomes a professing member of the local congregation and The United Methodist Church
Senior High / 9th - 12th Grade & Young Adults
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Join our Men's study group following Worship. Room 3
Around 2,000 years ago the apostle Paul wrote a letter to new followers of Jesus in and around the city of Ephesus. Some were Greek and some were Roman who weren’t familiar with the Hebrew God. They were new to the idea of one God.
Paul wants them to know they are as much a member of God’s family as anyone else. He also wants to tell them what it looks like to live their lives as Jesus followers. We’d be wise to pay attention to what he tells the churches in and around Ephesus, because Paul’s words to them can still very much apply to us today.
Here is the trailer: https://app.
A Psalm for Every Situation
We sometimes feel like we need to curate our emotions when we talk to God. But God wants us to come to him honestly, no matter what we are feeling or going through. Join Bible teacher Lisa Harper as she teaches from the book of Psalms looking at the variety of circumstances faced by followers of God. In this eight-session series, we learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God.
Click Here for the Lyrics of Life Trailer
TNT Class - Room 14 following worship.
Click this link to see the trailer
BIBLE BACKROADS™ - The Book of Acts
Dave Stotts, host of Drive Thru History®, explores the scripture, history, geography, archaeology, and impact of the Book of Acts in the New Testament. The home base for the series is Dave’s Garage™, a state-of-the-art, extended reality lair where almost anything is possible. In addition to teaching with a collection of monitors, maps, animations and artifacts, Dave treks outside his garage for special adventures in Israel and the entire Mediterranean region. Designed for all ages, BIBLE BACKROADS™ is fun, fast-paced, and educational, encouraging families to dig deeper into the Biblical accounts together.
Music Ministry
Chancel Choir
Evangel Ringers
Parent's Day Off Preschool (P.D.O. Preschool)
P.D.O. Preschool is an extended day preschool and has been serving families since 1981. The preschool offers social, emotional, and developmental learning experiences for children age 15 months through 5 years old. To learn more about enrolling your child(ren) at P.D.O. Preschool, click the link below.